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Do I Love Like I Used To?

Remember when you first came to Christ and fear had no foothold? You were so excited about an eternal relationship with the Savior that you told all who would listen - and even some that wouldn't. Are you still anxious and willing to serve Him, or are you only expecting God to be kind to you? Do the things in your life fill your heart with joy or do you complain because things don't seem to be going your way? Do I love like I used to?

In Jeremiah 2, God told His people, I remember how eager you were to please Me as a young bride long ago, how you loved Me and followed Me even through the barren wilderness. But you do not love Me like you used to. 

May God fill your heart with an overflowing love. May we be so in love with Him that we take no thought of where He may lead. May our heart say - Lord, I will, because I love His grip.

Coach's tip - There are two equal and opposite errors into which we can fall about the devil. One is to disbelieve in his existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in him. 

Inspired by Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest.

Wits End - What's Going Into Your Head?