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Forever Secure

How secure are you? Hanging from the side of a mountain, the climber is only as secure as his equipment. This holds true in the spiritual realm as well. Who is responsible for your spiritual security? God is! And His strength is absolute. Your salvation is invulnerable - but not because of what you have done, can do, or will do.

Paul explains in Romans 8 that eternal security is based on the power of God, His eternal purposes in salvation, Christ's death and resurrection, and the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. All three Persons of the Trinity ensure your spiritual security - you do not. 

This is why Paul can say that nothing - whether past, present, or future, whether physical or metaphysical - can seperate us from God's love in Christ. When all else fails around you, you can believe that God will accomplish His good purpose in His grip.

Coach's tip - There is a lot of debate today of whether to stand or kneel during the National Anthem. Out of respect for my dad and uncles who served in the military and all that served before, with, and after them - I WILL STAND!

Forever Secure from Discover God Study Bible, Tyndale.

Wits End - What's Going Into Your Head?