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Precious Moments: We're Two of a Kind, Swimming into Your Heart, Nine Ladies
Precious Moments: We're Two of a Kind, Swimming into Your Heart, Nine Ladies
Precious Moments: We're Two of a Kind, Swimming into Your Heart, Nine Ladies
Precious Moments: We're Two of a Kind, Swimming into Your Heart, Nine Ladies
Precious Moments: We're Two of a Kind, Swimming into Your Heart, Nine Ladies

Precious Moments: We're Two of a Kind, Swimming into Your Heart, Nine Ladies

Regular price $74.97 $29.99 Sale

3 Precious Moments Collectables for 1 Great Price!

We're Two of a Kind #455997

Swimming Into Your Heart #456047

Nine Ladies Dancing With Joy #456063

  • comes in original boxes and original tags for these ornaments
  • add to your precious moments ornament collection
  • miniature ornaments
  • porcelain bisque ornaments hand painted in soft pastels