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Worship Central Stir a Passion + Set Apart 2CD
Worship Central Stir a Passion + Set Apart 2CD
Worship Central Stir a Passion + Set Apart 2CD

Worship Central Stir a Passion + Set Apart 2CD

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Stir a Passion: When Worship Central gather in His name, something happens. This album captures those moments where God broke in and displayed His love for His people. Recorded live at the inaugural The Gathering conference, Birmingham, UK. Worship Central is a movement of worshippers who want to see the worship of Jesus Christ made central throughout our communities, local churches and the world. Their vision is for people to encounter God, for worshippers to be equipped and the Church empowered. Based in Birmingham, UK, they have trained, resourced and inspired worshippers all around the world since launching in 2006, with hundreds of thousands attending training events internationally and engaging with all the resources they have created.

Set Apart: 1. The Way 2. Stand Up 3. Can't Stop Your Love 4. Set Apart 5. Pursue Me 6. Awesome is He 7. Worth it All 8. All That I Am 9. Enough Light 10. Let Go 11. Your Cross is Enough 12. Dead Things To Life 13. Singing Over Us 14. Wide Open Spaces

Featuring Tim Hughes, Luke Hellebronth, Ben Cantelon, and Karen Gillespie. Worship Central follows their Let It Be Known project with this new live recording, Set Apart. The album consists of 14 brand new songs written for the Church and features Tim Hughes, Ben Cantelon, Luke Hellenbroth and Nikki Fletcher. Based in London, Worship Central is a training school and focuses on equipping and empowering local church worship leaders by offering free training courses and networking local leaders around the globe.