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Susie Shellenberger Closer : Mother & Daughter + Michelle Borquez Forever God Crazy
Susie Shellenberger Closer : Mother & Daughter + Michelle Borquez Forever God Crazy
Susie Shellenberger Closer : Mother & Daughter + Michelle Borquez Forever God Crazy

Susie Shellenberger Closer : Mother & Daughter + Michelle Borquez Forever God Crazy

Regular price $27.98 $9.99 Sale

2 Great Books for Moms and Daughters for 1 Great Price. Both New and Paperback.

Closer is a resource that encourages meaningful conversations about God and life issues relevant to both a mother and her teenage daughter. It uses the dynamic of conversation to promote healthy, open, and honest communication, while creating a more intimate relationship with God. Closer helps mothers and daughters see each other as growing, independent, valuable individuals of worth and helps develop their relationship beyond their family ties.

Forever God Crazy is an Autographed Copy. Front cover is bent but book is New. Homeless, toothless (well, not exactly toothless, but more about that inside), penniless, and feeling pretty worthless, I found myself once again on a new adventure, a new road trip, faced with the same familiar challenge: to believe or not to believe.
It’s so easy to believe in God in the middle of the good times and the mountaintop highs. The challenge is to keep believing through the hard times, the dark moments, and the desert times in our lives. When we feel as if God has abandoned us, deserted us, or forgotten about us, we want to shout, “Do you remember me? Do you hear me? Are you even there?”  These are the greatest moments of our faith, when we are forced to ask ourselves, “Do I believe, or not believe; and if I believe, then what do I do now?”
Forever God Crazy takes you into the journey, the pit stops, the peaks, the valleys, and the bumpy roads of a life sold-out for God. Just when it seems like our lives have crashed, we’ve taken a detour going nowhere or landed the wrong way on a one-way street, God says, “My beloved, I love you just as you are, and this scenery is our adventure, so I might be glorified in you.” Forever God Crazy, an adventurous road trip to unshakable faith, will help you hang on through the tough times, teach you who is really in the driver’s seat, and give you hope for a better view up the road. So put your seatbelt on, hang on tight, and get ready for the ride of your life!